Monday, September 30, 2019

Lonely Miss Brill the Eavesdropper

Miss Brill by Katherine Mansfield is about a middle-aged English teacher who secretly listens to other people's conversation due to her loneliness. Every weekend Miss Brill goes out to the parade in a park and listens to other people's conversation because she has nobody to talk to but her fur coat. She treasures her fur coat as if it's her pet and has conversations with it. Towards the end of the story, she realizes that nobody likes her, therefore she goes home into her dark room and cries.Katherine Mansfield, uses imagery, characterization, and point-of-view uses these three literary elements to inform the meaning of the lonliness. The author uses imagery for the reader to better understand the story and to create the apperance of her loneliness. In the beginning of the story, the author states â€Å"She had taken it out of its box that afternoon, shaken out the moth powder†¦ rubbed the life back into the dim little eyes. † (Mansfield 1)Here, Miss Brill takes out her f ur coat and starts to talk to it and pets it as if it is her pet.From this, the reader can can visually interpret that Miss Brill had no friends or family to talk to when she was lonley. Furthermore, towards the end of the story, a girl at the park says, â€Å"It's exactly like a fried whiting. â€Å"(Mansfield 4) The reader can visualize the story the author intended on how the little girl at the park makes fun of Miss Brill of her fur coat saying that it looks like fried fish. After hearing this, Miss Brill goes home and cries in her dark room. In addition, the author uses point-of-view for the reader to step into the main characters' shoes.In the beginning of the story, when Miss Brill went to the park to watch the parade, the author states â€Å"Wasn't the conductor wearing a new coat, too? She sure it was new. † (Mansfield 1) From this quote, the reader can see that she went to the parade often, enough to know what the bandsmen wore each weekend to perform. Furthermore , the author states â€Å"But to-day she passed the baker's by, climbed the stairs, went into the little dark room- her room like a cupboard†¦ She sat there for a long time.† (Mansfield 4)After coming back from the parade, getting made fun of, she goes to her room in a depressed mood and cries by herself. Lastly, from the begininng of the story, the reader can tell that Miss Brill had a unique personality. From talking and petting her fur coat, to eavesdropping, her character is a bit different from others. Her lonliness could have lead her to eavesdrop on people and have a fur coat as her friend. The author states, â€Å"This was disappointing, for Miss Brill always looked foward to the conversation.† (Mansfield 1), to show her lonliness.In this quote, the reader can see that Miss Brill liked to talk to people and even if she wasn't in the conversation, she would like to listen to them. Furthermore, he author states â€Å"How she enjoyed it! How she loved sittin g there, watching it all! It was like a play. † (Mansfield 3) This quote is explaining how she enjoyed the parade as if it was a play. The reader can see that she entertained herself by going to the park every weekend to forget about her loneliness.The author successfully used these three literary elements for the readers to better understand the story, to create the appearance of her lonliness and visualize interpret what the author was intending to say. Authors using literary elements in their story is important because they can send what they're trying to say to the readers easily with the literary elements. Furthermore, it is important to the readers because the reader's can better understand the story and relate the story to the world. Reading this story, readers can understand people who too are lonely and step into their shoes to understand their feelings.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

An Outline Of English Education System Education Essay

This essay is entitled ‘An lineation of the British instruction system. ‘ and it particularly concentrates on explicating some relevant issues refering primary schools in this state. The essay negotiations about three subjects, all of them divided in three paragraphs: the first 1 is a historical background and a cardinal component that may assist us clear up today ‘s construction, referred to in the undermentioned paragraph. Since we are populating in a society ruled by the new engineerings, the last paragraph focal points on the importance given to the ICTs in British schools. The essay concludes by foregrounding what, in my sentiment, are the chief strengths of the educative system in the United Kingdom. As stated by some historiographers, the roots of British instruction can be found in the mid 6th century. It was non nevertheless until the 17th century, when the first ‘schools ‘ were built. At that clip, instruction belonged to the Catholic Church which was committed to learning the rules of Christianity, by edifice schools. Harmonizing to the writer Denis Haye, the Nineteen century saw the birth of the first province schools. At that clip, these were still controlled by the Church which used to present hapless kids to the chief affairs of Church ‘s beliefs. However, it was non until the mid-century when the State starts deriving some control over instruction, presenting a wider assortment of topics. Among all the instruction acts that have passed in the history of British instruction, it is of import to concentrate on two of them, since they may assist us clear up the roots of today ‘s construction. The besides referred to as ‘The Scottish Act ‘ , is born in 1872 and harmonizing to the online article ‘Key Dates in Education ‘ it is known for doing ‘school attending compulsory from the age of 5 to 12 old ages old ‘ . Another instruction act to be drawn up took topographic point in 1944, and is in my sentiment, of import to foreground because from this clip on primary school kids are exempted of paying tuition fees. With this new instruction act a three-party system was introduced in British instruction system, and this led to the creative activity of alleged proficient, grammar and modern schools. While analyzing the history of the instruction system, it is decisive to travel back to the twelvemonth 1988 when the national course of study is introduced in British schools, including English, Maths, Science, and Religion as mandatory topics. From 2010 ‘MFLT ‘ , which stands for ‘Modern Foreign Languages Teaching ‘ is besides an obligatory topic. It is so the creative activity of the national course of study, likely considered the most of import fact that may assist us accomplish a better apprehension of today ‘s system. The writer Denis Haye who wrote ‘Primary Education: the Key Concepts ‘ , claims that in the twentieth century, merely after the debut of the national course of study, kids were obligated to analyze in school from 5 to 11 old ages old and this ‘primary phase ‘ was followed by a specific instruction which would stop at the age of 16. It is because of the national course of study that today ‘s students go to school at the age of 5 and leave when they turn 11. The writer besides claims that there is a minor measure of educational Centres which accept kids from the age of 8 to 12 called ‘deemed in-between ‘ in his words, while others referred to as ‘first ‘ accept 5-8 or 9 year-old students. Today ‘s British primary instruction ‘s construction could non be analysed without bearing in head what is in my sentiment the chief strength of the British system: the assortment of schools offered to parents and British students. On the Department of Education ‘s web page, some of the chief types of schools can be found, set uping a division in three subdivisions: ‘mainstream province schools, province schools with peculiar features and specializer schools ‘ in the first subdivision. ‘Trust and Voluntary controlled/aided schools ‘ in the 2nd. Faith schools, academies and grammar schools besides belong to the 2nd subdivision. In the 3rd group the Department includes ‘Independent schools ‘ . This last sort, as its name shows, is governed by an independent organic structure which harmonizing to the Department of Education have their ain ‘curriculum and admittance policies ‘ . Since we are populating in a society ruled by the information engineerings, a valuable facet to be drawn up, is without a uncertainty the version of the ICTs ( the information and communicating engineerings ) to the British instruction system, paying a particular attending to the primary instruction Centres. The British Department of Education claims that the acceptance of the information and communicating engineerings ( ICTs ) to today ‘s primary schools radically improves the instruction Centre ‘s degree. It was in the twelvemonth 2002, when the Education and Training inspectorate wrote a study which highlighted the positive facets of incorporating the ICTs in the UK schools. In most schools, both the pupil ‘s acquisition and the quality of learning were shown to be ‘satisfactory ‘ . Most of them used a great figure of applications such as developing web pages, utilizing societal webs for educational intents, directing electronic mails and utilizing we b-cams, to advert but a few of them. This study besides indicates that the debut of the ICTs in primary school ‘s schoolrooms and lessons notably increases the student ‘s motive and enthusiasm to larn. The Department of Education besides claims that the information and communicating engineerings have been adapted to the course of study of several schools in the UK for the past 5 old ages, including ICT as a compulsory topic. In my sentiment, the chief advantage of the ICTs likely relies on its positive effects on kids ‘s attending and involvement, and this is one of the grounds why there are an even higher figure of centres which are integrating them. While looking for information on this affair, I found two relevant articles in two different newspapers which show a clear illustration of how these engineerings are being adapted to instruction. The first article belongs to the journalist Borland, and appeared in ‘The Guardian ‘ . It talks about a school in the UK which bought a twosome of Wiis in order to ‘boost student ‘s enthusiasm for athletics ‘ utilizing the new Wii Fit Plus. This new Wii application, the author claims, is focused on assorted fittingness exercises proved to be good for the kids ‘s wellness, particularly for sedentary 1s. Borland besides states that although this inaugural foremost received a really positive feedback from most people, there were other voices avering that a picture console should ne'er take the topographic point of traditional drills or exercisings. Another article to be taken into history, was written by The Telegraph ‘ s instruction editor Graeme Paton who states that a school in the UK has decided to present Twitter, the UK ‘s widely known societal web as a topic. Children, nevertheless, will non merely be taught how to utilize this web for academic intents ( if there are any ) but besides to pass on by utilizing Skype and develop online web logs. To reason this essay, it is of import to advert that the British instruction system likely stands out for the tremendous assortment of schools offered to kids and parents while in other states merely three or four types of schools. Furthermore, the last paragraph can so be interpreted as an illustration of the version of this system to today ‘s new coevals of kids, heightening educational positions, and eventually providing for wider demands. 1,200 words. Group Research Proposal Research job: What are the chief types of intimidation in primary and secondary schools? How can this job be tackled? Why is this statement of import? Bullying is a job nowadays in current primary and secondary schools, usually impacting kids from four to sixteen old ages old. Not merely students are involved, but besides parents and instructors who, in most instances, do non even know the truth or hide the maltreatment. There are different sorts of strong-arming which, can be divided into five groups: verbal, physical, emotional, cyber-bullying, and homophobic. In the verbal and emotional intimidation, the bully uses disrespectful comments and endangering words which intend to harm the victim. This is likely one of the worst sorts since kids are physiologically affected, making in most instances traumas taking to societal issues such phobic disorders to develop relationships with other schoolmates due to a low self-pride. In physical intimidation, the culprit intends to impact physically the mark by fall backing to violent Acts of the Apostless such as striking, pluging or drawing without holding a necessary ground to make so. Cyb er-bullying is considered to be a comparatively new sort, due to the development of new engineerings. It non merely affects students in the schoolrooms but outside in the existent universe, by utilizing calumniatory pictures printing the maltreatment on the cyberspace. The last type, homophobic intimidation, is related to the kid ‘s sexual orientation utilizing derogative footings such as homosexual or even the ugly ‘faggot ‘ . These are but a few of an eternal list of other sorts of strong-arming. Analyzing this job is of import since it non merely might assist those who need it most, it can besides clear up one of the darkest facets of human behavior towards the others. Methodology In order to transport on this research, it is critical to entree to different beginnings of information. Not merely books can assist us with this affair ; articles published in bookman or public newspapers, every bit good as telecasting interviews or scholarly plans can be really helpful. A really relevant docudrama on affair, entitled ‘The Red Balloon House ‘ aired on the BBC last month will be born in head while developing the research. This is a charity organisation taking to assist kids who suffer from school phobic disorders due to strong-arming maltreatments. This documental offers a close unmasking of this affair, clear uping many facets about the chief effects of this sort of maltreatment. Another utile method to be taken into history, nevertheless hard and hazardous, is transporting on a private interview with a primary beginning, a victim. Literature Review ‘Aspectos psicol & amp ; oacute ; gicos de la violencia juvenil ‘ hypertext transfer protocol: // ‘Bullying ‘ hypertext transfer protocol: // ‘Convivencia escolar Y prevenci & A ; oacute ; n de la violencia ‘ hypertext transfer protocol: // ‘Convivencia nut los centros educativos ‘ hypertext transfer protocol: // ‘Acoso Lepidocybium flavobrunneum. Gu & A ; iacute ; a parity chicas Y Marx ‘ hypertext transfer protocol: // ‘La actuaci & A ; oacute ; n ante el maltrato entre iguales en el centro educativo ‘ hypertext transfer protocol: // Decision Bullying is a societal job that affects more often all rhythms of instruction. Everybody should go cognizant of this job and seek to stop up these maltreatments by the application of methods and efficient solutions to it. Individual Research Proposal Research Problem Undertaking intimidation in the U.K. primary schools. What are its roots and types? What are the chief effects on the psychological wellness of today ‘s students? Why is this statement of import? Strong-arming in primary and secondary schools in the UK, is so a job that has been stalking British students since the first schools were built in the 19th century. This leads us to oppugn ourselves about strong-arming ‘s roots, what they are and how they can assist us eliminate this job from abrasion. Harmonizing to the instruction newsman Kristin Rushowy organize the US newspaper ‘The Star ‘ , strong-arming ‘s roots can be found in the tough ‘s household relationships. In most instances, Rushowy claims, toughs come from ‘blended ‘ or ‘single-parent ‘ households, and feel they ca n't trust on their parents who act in an overprotecting manner. Although it is a fact that schools are built in order to supply a good instruction for our society ‘s kids, parents besides have the responsibility to educate their kids in tolerance, and regard towards their schoolmates and all the members of society. However, it is non ever this man ner and it is so an issue to be analysed in deepness. The rise of the new information and communicating engineerings which as I stated in my essay, are being adapted to today ‘s primary schools in the UK, have a negative consequence on this affair. Students who are taught how to utilize societal webs as ‘Twitter ‘ unconsciously tend to utilize this cognition to hassle other kids. This is a comparatively new type of strong-arming referred as ‘cyber-bullying ‘ . As happens to other sorts of strong-arming such as, homophobic, it has so an inauspicious impact on pupil ‘s mental wellness. Harmonizing to Doctor Marc Dombeck in his article ‘The long clip effects of Bullying ‘ short-termed effects such as choler, depression and self-destructive ideas can take to the long term ‘increased inclination to be a lone wolf ‘ self-esteem jobs, and trouble in swearing people. These are but a few of the negative impact of Bullying and it is so a affair to be researched on. Methodology To transport out this research, I will bear in head some online articles published in British and American newspapers, every bit good as some ushers published by the British Department for kids, schools and households and an essay I wrote refering British primary instruction. Literature Review The first beginning to be considered is a usher published by the Department for kids, schools and households, entitled ‘safe to Learn: Implanting anti-bullying in Schools ‘ , since it is a perfect lineation of this issue. Another usher published by the old section entitled ‘homophobic strong-arming ‘ is besides to be considered. Assorted on-line articles written by experts on this affair as Dr. Marc Dombeck ‘The long clip effects of Bullying ‘ are besides to be born in head. An essay written by myself entitled ‘An lineation of Primary instruction in the UK ‘ which is focused, among other issues on the version of the ICT in today ‘s schools, may assist us clear up the roots of cyber-bullying. Decision Although Bullying is a job that has already been researched on by many experts, there are some chief issues such as its roots or psychological effects that still need to be examined in deepness. Self- Appraisal The Cardiff University ‘s faculty entitled ‘Introduction to Academic Study in the UK ‘ has notoriously helped me develop and better my research accomplishments. Although in the grade I am presently analyzing I had already been taught how to mention utilizing the Modern Language Association ( MLA ) ‘s manner, it is ever utile to larn how to cite utilizing the Harvard manner, since it is the 1 that is usually used in the United Kingdom. The ‘Research accomplishments ‘ seminar, was besides decisive since it taught me to research utilizing academic beginnings and databases. I had no old cognition about it and it helped me while be aftering essays for some of my faculties. The talk on critical thought was so really advantageous since it was an tremendous aid while composing my two critical analyses for the faculty ‘The Victorian Novel ‘ from a subjective and critical point of position. The talk on the ways UK ‘ pupils are assessed and the Markss used, was besides really appealing and interesting since I come from an abroad ‘ University with a wholly different construction. To stop up I would wish to advert that although unluckily I could non go to the ‘peer-review ‘ seminar and therefore it has been impossible for me to analyze other pupil ‘s proposals including my findings in this piece of authorship, I have taken into history some feedback I received from the schoolmates I worked with, in order to compose my ain research proposal. I have considered rewriting the proposal, being specially focused on altering the research inquiry because ‘it was excessively wide ‘ .

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Absolutism and Consitutionalism

The 17th century was the turning point of absoluteism in Western Europe. In the beginning of the century, we spent a religious war dating from 1618 to 1648 called war today for 30 years. Cardinal Richelieu, Principal Minister of King Louis XIII, was able to maintain absolute authority over France during the war. Unlike Richelieu, Charles I in the UK has not been as successful as the Diet and does not struggle. France continued to prosper under this absolute monarchy, but the UK gradually began to shift to constitutionalism. France 's absolute principle is the political system related to Louis XIII, especially King Louis XIV. From the 16th century to the 17th century, the whole Europe developed absolute or absolute monarchy. Important politicians such as Cardinal Richilieu are faithful supporters of absoluteism. The absolute law means that the power of the monarch is theoretically infinite except for sacred law or so-called natural law. In absolute society, the only person who can cha nge the power of the monarch is his / her own lord. Therefore, it is difficult for an absolute monarch to dilute his authority and authority. In the 17th century, a new keyword called absoluteism was born. Absolutism is the political theory that all power should belong to rulers / juniors or dictators. Therefore, the absolute monarch is a ruler who governs by himself and does not undergo legal or constitutional rule. The monarch of an absoluteist considers himself a sacred right of the emperor. In other words, they can be held responsible only by God and can not judge beyond God. An ideal example of an absolute monarch of this era was Louis XIV who crowned the King of France in 1643. There are many points to show that he is considered to be an important absolute leader. During the transition from feudalism * to early capitalism *, the word absoluteism is often used with the monarchs of Europe, and the description of the absolute monarch was specifically discovered in the 17th and 18 th centuries. It is generally considered that the age of absoluteism began during the reign of Louis XIV (1643 - 1715) and ended with the French Revolution (1789). The main motivation of absoluteism is the 16th and 17th centuries. Protestant reform (1517-1648) brought about a series of violent and bloody religious wars, during which thousands of innocent people were murdered. For example, during the 30-year war (1618-48), the German state's population has declined by about 30% from about 15%, compared with 16% in the French population reduced by 16-18 million . During the French Religious War (1562 - 98) 2 million to 4 million *

Friday, September 27, 2019

Analysis of Heraldic Shield Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analysis of Heraldic Shield - Essay Example While designing, this heraldic shield I have thought on various dimensions of human personality. A heraldic shield usually represent, differ rent aspect of human personality like courage, honesty, beauty, grace and charisma. So, in order o reflect all these qualities, I chose couple of birds, animals, plant, tree, colors and a motto. I understand that every shield should represent rich message to people who view it. A heraldic shield is represents the vigor and pride of an organization, military unit or any other professional institution. Symbols and its interpretation First symbol on the shield is lion and it is an animal known as the king of the jungle and is popularly known for its royal status. Here the shield is held by lion because it is depicting the strength and royalty one needs to imbibe in their personality to build a good future. Lion is always bold in its attitude and every person must have the eagerness to learn from the lion to be bold in every facets of life. Lion als o portrays pride, protective nature and braveness. Seeing these qualities in Lion, one should learn to look up to lion and transform oneself into brave personality. In the same manner, other animal which is holding the shield is unicorn . First and foremost the white color of unicorn is a sign of chastity, purity and virginity. This gives a message to people that one need to be pure and virgin in thoughts . According to (Martin,2010)â€Å"To encounter a Unicorn, a person must find a place of true love in their heart. Unicorns have many traits and characteristics, and they mean many things to different people†. . In mythology, unicorn is a symbol of chivalry and it’s portrays the qualities of proud, untamable nature and unique status. Moreover the horn of unicorn resembles the weapon of Christ and one who has faith in Christianity. A unicorns also resembles a girls’ virginity and hence a girl should always maintain her purity Another beautiful symbol which is pro jected in the heraldic shield is Swan a heavenly bird. Swan is a bird which is said to be heavenly and popular for its beauty and elegance. This elegant nature of Swan conveys the message to the people to be elegant and gracious. The swan spread a symbolic message of love, grace and beauty to the people in total. A swan means appealing beauty, attractiveness and romance. Swan gives an idea to the people that one should always try to remain beautiful in and out and gracious like them. Swan has the strength of beautifying any environment it is in and this attribute of swan communicate to the people to remain calm and serene in any environment they are in. Another gracious bird which decorates the shield is peacock. It's a well-known fact that the peacock is the most beautiful bird on earth and it is known for its colorful and shiny feathers and dancing quality. When a peacock dances, everybody sways in the festive mood of the bird. As per (Augustine, 2012)â€Å"The characteristics of a peacock are extravagant, making it easy to differentiate between him, his female counterpart and other types of birds†. Here the peacock refers to the symbol of vanity and fanciness. It represents the core attribute of women, who is always craving for vanity and glamour. When it comes to the charm of my heraldic shield, it is enhanced by the inclusion of rose. Rose is one of the most beautiful plants in whole of earth because of its beauty and mesmerizing fragrance. Throughout the human history, very few flowers had the luck to be in the hearts of people forever. Rose is often connected to romance, heart, love and passion. A rose symbolizes the passion and desire a man have towards his love interest.  Ã‚  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Glent case study report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Glent case study report - Essay Example HP understands this through both it training program, benefits and bonus incentives.2 The key notion that Weber developed in order to balance out the inherent inequalities is that of the rationalizing of the organizational structure where those who benefit the company and follow the rules and procedure enjoy incentives; whereas those who break these rules are punished. Hence if the values of the company's structure and the goal's of the employee can be rationalized and de-mystified then a satisfied and motivated workforce can be instituted to achieve the best organizational structure. In order to do this there needs to be a structure which ensures that at the higher the level of management there is a higher the standard of care and duty, which can be seen in the transparent structure of managers for specified organizational roles. However, this cannot be limited to following a set of rules, because rules do not Weber sees it as an important factor that has shaped society and importan t to understanding the development of societal structure and management. Therefore this brings the marrying of the different key elements of the individual and rationalization that Weber focuses on, but it cannot limit the company to rules without consideration of the individuals. Although rational management of individuals is important, to limit the emotions and interests of the management in respect to the rights and goal of company, as a whole, there has to be consideration of each individual in order to create a system of fairness, transparency and accountability for the employee. Hence, there cannot be a focus on a pure bureaucratic approach as the following examination of employee diversity approaches will illustrate. Therefore the first problem with the Glent case study is that there is not enough one on one employee treatment; rather there is a rule book which is not dealing with the problems. Diversity not only refers to race, gender, religion and culture it also refers to the type of employees that are in the structure. There are those employees that work through initiative, which will be limited by a bureaucratic approach, there are those who enjoy following a strict structure that this bureaucratic approach is essential and finally there are those who will slack without proper supervision, which the bureaucratic approach lacks. Therefore the company has to take upon the different diversity approaches and work it into the company, where the most important factor is an efficient and flexible manager. Diversity in the workplace is becoming increasingly prevalent with persons of different backgrounds, cultures, sexes, social and political choices.3 This creates a more interesting scene, but makes it harder for management because it is easier to oversee a homogenous group than that of a diverse group. It is essential that the manager is seen as both objective and empathetic to all employees without discrimination or bias. This is difficult because it is normal for a manager whose demographics are the same as a certain cleavage in the workplace to emphasize with that group; however personal feeling cannot overtake their position of authority and obligations as a manager.4 Therefore it is essential that a manager does not judge on the basis of difference, rather uses this difference and diversity to create a more cohesive group through communication of personal experiences and ideas. This is a learning

Marketing Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Marketing Research - Essay Example The company believes that people’s concern of over quality and health have contributed to the success of the company. Consumers are drawn to Kudler’s no-preservatives baked goods as well to its old world style of baking process. In addition to this, the meat and seafood from certified organic producers met the exacting demands of the discerning customers ; thus, it is common sighting in Kudler’s to see the crà ¨me of the society selecting prime cuts during weekends. The herbs and spices are much sought after by local chefs and the wide variety of tropical fruits are mostly patronized by the health conscious customers. The cheese and dairy section were given a boost by the cheese sampling done every Saturday as well as the wine appreciation classes that sparked the interest of the common public. Nevertheless, Kudler also reaches out to the public through its reasonable prices so that everyone would appreciate gourmet food. Indeed, Kudler Fine Foods has gone a lon g way in its market development. However, the importance of marketing research cannot be undermined as there are many new entrants into this market segment. In addition to this, the fast-growing operations must be consistent in providing excellent service to its existing and potential customers. Kudler must not rest on its laurels; instead, it must develop a strong market research that would lead it to greater success through a larger market base. The main thrust of this paper is to confirm the importance of market research which can benefit the growth and maturity of Kudler Fine Foods. A sound market research would definitely do wonders by giving insight on domains or segments that can be tapped to develop. A good market profiling of customers both existing and potential could lead to sound tactical campaigns. Competitive intelligence and market analysis would provide the owners a clear picture of the whole gourmet store market which would correctly

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Capitalism, Socialism, and Keynesian Economics Essay

Capitalism, Socialism, and Keynesian Economics - Essay Example They set out a plan that would see them complete their work within the scheduled time, and even promised a $300 bonus if the work was completed early enough. This was to act as a motivation to all members. However, Parker seemed to dislike the way Millar did his work and was always shouting at him. Instead of looking for ways of making things work, Parker always used an angry tone when addressing Millar. Rather than use silent authority, parker chose to assert his authority by vocally challenging Millar in front of the rest of the works. When forming a team, the norms and dynamics that control the way people interact will create a better ability to discuss counterproductive norms that could derail the team’s efforts (McShane and Steen, 2012). Parker did not dwell on this, and that meant that the path-goal leadership style he chose to use was not as effective as he thought it could be. He was not supportive and that meant he would have to push people rather than persuade them to achieve their goals so as to meet their personal needs. Parker did not create a team that had cohesive outcomes enough to meet their needs and remain active members. He was not willing to let Talbot assist Millar even after he offered. Parker exhibited a task-oriented behavior that meant he would assign specific tasks and ensure that all employees follow the rules as stipulated. He should input some people-oriented behaviors to help gain the trust of the employees and receive maximum cooperation from them. To handle this case conclusively, there ought to be some sobriety. Conflict resolution requires the participation of all members as opposed to the feeling that one of the members is superior or above the law. The organizational culture in the organization will also determine the success of this conflict resolution process. This is because employees must trust the process before committing to it. Millar has not worked for Arctic again since this conflict

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Social Classes Of The 19th Century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social Classes Of The 19th Century - Essay Example Social classes with more force generally subsidiary classes with less force. Social classes with a huge deal of power are mostly examined as elites, no less than inside their own communities. Throughout the 19th century, the middle class, too called the classes' bourgeoisie, cultivate from the groups of 18th century profitable and industrial entrepreneurs. At the similar time, many fresh occupations were formed which principally used mind skills somewhat than substantial labor; the amount of persons and families in these careers burst in number, generating a considerable, and ultimately prevailing, middle class. Marxism describes the bourgeoisie as the social class which attains revenues from ownership or business in capital benefit, or from profitable actions such as the purchasing and selling of goods, wares and services. Throughout the 19th century, the inferior, or working, class urbanized from the groups of 18th century customary rural farmers and laborers. At the similar time, some innovative professions were shaped which chiefly used material labor somewhat than mental skills; the number of individuals and families in these fields burst in number, creating an extensive lower class. The lower class was collected principally of workers in extractive, developing, and service industries, which were needy on wages and who chiefly, used physical abilities. The lower class was separated into professional sub-groupings of extremely skilled handcrafters, semi-skilled workforce, and unskillful laborers. Differences Between The Bourgeoisies And The Working Class Of The 19th Century According to 1Friedrich Engels (1820-1895) the configuration of class-awareness is by no means mechanical, as the alertness of social stratification might be only faintly formed or might be overshadowed by other fundamentals in social understanding. This means that we can locate out so far social stratification supported on economic relationships; the dissimilarities connecting class, status and command circumstances, and the method professions have been used to classify strata - the thoughts of individuality and measures. Geographical Mobility According to 2Weber two major social classes beneath capitalism are Class Who They Are And Their Property The petit bourgeoisie Those who own small businesses and are minor employers The manual working class Those who own nothing and have to sell their labour in order to live. Bourgeoisie and proletariat or the Working Class were 3Karl Marx's (1818-1883) own stipulations for the two classes he experimented in the industrialized society, which was all around him. 4"Our epoch, the epoch of the Bourgeoisie, possesses, however, this distinctive feature: it has simplified the class antagonisms. Society as a whole is more and more splitting into two great hostile camps, into two great classes directly facing each other: Bourgeoisie and Proletariat." Work Orientation Marx measured that the powerful disagreement among the bourgeoisie and the proletariat would explode into a growing by the proletariat alongside their opponents. This would, Marx measured, be the predictable outcome of the progress in society which he could see occurring. Temporary workers,

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Cost of Wal-Marts Low Prices Should Not Be Too Costly Essay

The Cost of Wal-Marts Low Prices Should Not Be Too Costly - Essay Example The essay "The Cost of Wal-Mart’s Low Prices Should Not Be Too Costly" analyzes the prices of Wal-mart. Wal-Mart helps the poor by providing low prices, but it can do better as an employer by offering competitive wage levels and benefits to its full-time workers, and promoting a culture of efficiency and equal opportunities, not unfair labor practices. Wal-Mart is good for the poor and the working class because it offers low prices and provides jobs, while being at par with other retailers in terms of Medicaid consumption. Wal-Mart, because of its sheer size, can maximize its economies of scale and scope to offer low prices every day. It is dedicated to driving down prices, so that it can pass its savings to consumers, and the effect is so large that Jason Furman of New York University compares Wal-Mart to a welfare program: â€Å"Wal-Mart's discounting on food alone boosts the welfare of American shoppers by at least $50 billion a year". The savings from shopping at Wal-Mart is significant enough, that consumers are saving billions of dollars every year. Aside from consumer savings, Wal-Mart is the world’s biggest retailer, so it is not surprising that it is the biggest private employer too. Olsson reports the extent of business and employment of Wal-Mart: â€Å"The company is the world's largest retailer, with $220 billion in sales, and the nation's largest private employer, with 3,372 stores and more than 1 million hourly workers†. The sales of the company enable it to hire millions of workers. ... Medicaid dependence is a concern for Wal-Mart too, but one which is not far from retailer companies in general. Mallaby reveals that 5 percent of Wal-Mart’s workers are on Medicaid, but this is a retail industry standard (357). The national average is 4 percent for all firms, so Wal-Mart’s effect on welfare usage is not worse than other firms. Considering these savings, employment, and use of Medicaid, Wal-Mart helps the poor and the working class. Despite these advantages, Wal-Mart has to work on its labor issues, in order to truly help the poor and the working classes, and the first step is improving wage levels and benefits to full-time workers. Olsson interviewed workers who revealed that Wal-Mart pays $16,000 to $18,000 a year (342). Jennifer McLaughlin, who works at Wal-Mart Supercenter #148, shares that her yearly wages reach only $16,800 (Olsson 342). Health benefits are not covered too. Wal-Mart provides the option of health insurance, but because it would â₠¬Å"deduct up to $85 from her biweekly paycheck of $550,† McLaughlin and numerous employees choose to rely on Medicaid (Olsson 342). McLaughlin is already with Wal-Mart for three years, and she deserves a more competitive pay and benefit package. Wal-Mart earns hundreds of billions of dollars every year, and it can use some of its millions to enhance the pay and benefits of its workers. Apart from low pay and poor benefits, Wal-Mart should be more concerned of the health and morale of its workers by not underpaying and overworking them. McLaughlin and other interviewed employees expose that some Wal-Mart managers force people to work overtime without pay (Olsson 345). Lawsuits are already filed against Wal-Mart for unpaid overtime. Wal-Mart cannot help the poor and the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Whose Reality Essay Example for Free

Whose Reality Essay A child’s world is shaped by their parent’s reality.Jordan Djuric The birth of Prince George into the Royal family has created question on how a family who have rarely any privacy, could raise a child as normal as possible. The family could not even name George without approval from many others. But it brings up the question of, what is a â€Å"normal† upbringing anyway? If a normal upbringing is one which consists of two average paid parents, who live in a middle class suburban home, where they have two children who compete in several sports and go to an average school and grandparents who live close enough to see on a regular basis†¦ I’d say my childhood was not â€Å"normal† either. Although parents are an overwhelming influence in dictating the moulding of our reality, as we progress through childhood our friends and role models also guide us. Before the age of five children don’t really have a choice in the actions that they do. They are their parent’s puppets, although this is usually to guide and nurture this can also have negative repercussions for the child. Then as a child goes to school and starts to choose their own friends they then have peer pressure, which not only will they face when they are five but all the way through their life. Our first role model is the ones who we grow up with; our parents. The reason we learn to walk and to talk is because our first actions are to copy our role models and as we grow up this is our parents. But it’s not just these acts that we attain from our parent’s; we also gain our morals, our interests, who we support in sport and so on. A parent’s job is to love, nurture and teach their child until they learn independence, and what they teach is more than what is on the surface. The way we act depends on our parents, our mannerisms and even our facial expressions. In Spies, Stephen often makes it clear that Keith demonstrates his father’s attributes. Not just in looks â€Å"He smiled his father’s smile† but also in morals. Stephen, like his parents displays loyalty, human kindness and sympathy. The attributes that Stephen shows are a reflection of the nurture that he received while growing up. We learn from our parents, but children would also attain any negative attributes from their parents as well. It cannot be denied that a child’s friends have a big impact on the forming of independence. Although from birth till the age of 5 a child’s decision is their parents, as soon as a child begins school they start to be influenced by external sources. All through school and later peer pressure is there. Our friends can have an influence in the way that we think, the way we talk, our interests and hobbies. In Spies, Stephen is not the dominant figure in Keith and his relationship. â€Å"He was the leader and I was the led† so therefore Keith’s word was the law. Keith made the decisions in that relationship but Stephen had a clear idea in his mind of what he enjoyed and appreciated in life. Stephen acted to impress Keith; he uses the analogy when he finds the sock that it is he’s hunt that he will present to Keith for recognition. Keith shapes Stephen’s world for him, he persuades the way that Stephen perceives the word around him, for example saying that Mr Gort is a murderer. His friend dictates the way that Stephen sees the world. It is crucial for parents to set a good example for their children to mimic. If parents set bad examples then just as always their children will take them on board. In Death of a Salesman Willy’s acts; trying to shape Biff and Happy actually has negative consequences. There is no doubt that Willy is a good father and loves Biff and Happy but he has a very select idea in his minds of how his sons are and doesn’t take in their opinions. Biff can’t keep a job and becomes a kleptomaniac because his father made this impression on him when he was young. Happy continually seeks the approval from his idol; Willy. Willy’s distorted view of reality tries to shape Biff and Happy into something they don’t want to be. This has a detrimental effect on the outcome of Biff and Happy’s lives. Although Biff seems to have overcome his father’s pressures on his career choices, it is clear that Happy will never be able to become successful because of his father. If parents are too controlling this could lead to outlandish behaviour from the child. In â€Å"your shoes† by Michele Roberts it describes how a desperate and controlled adolescent had to escape the overwhelming force of her mum trying to guide her in the direction the mother wanted. In Spies, Keith copies his father more than just facial expressions. As he takes the â€Å"bayonet† to Stephen’s neck Stephen says â€Å"he’s seen this type of punishment before.† Keith has absorbed this abusive, dominant side from his father. Parents have the majority of the say as a child grows but friends have a big part as well. There is no doubt that parents do shape the reality of their children. It isn’t always for the best but they will absorb both the bad and the good sides of any action they see. It’s not just parents that these influences come from though; it is also the peers that children grow up around. View as multi-pages

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Impact of Social Media on US Political Campaigns

Impact of Social Media on US Political Campaigns Mass Media as a Representation of the First Amendment in Hillary Clinton’s Current Campaign In a recent video, Hillary Clinton has declared that she will indeed run for presidency in the year 2016. And while her usage of mass media is not unique to her presidential campaign, one could argue that hers is by far the one with the greatest reach internet users around the world grow by the thousands each day (Internet Society Global Internet Report) and is a perfect representation of how mass media has played an important role in her political campaign. The media, as you will see, can influence politics both foreign and domestic. Political figures, such as Hillary Clinton, use mass media as a tool to promote desired agendas in a presidential campaign. As the First Amendment states, â€Å"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibit the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances† (Kluwer XXXV). In many ways, social media, and mass media as it is consumed today is a 21st century version to this foundational law, as it provides a platform for people across all social classes to interact and share their opinions, virtually and vicariously assembling without having to physically come together. She is certainly not the first, but Hillary Clinton’s usage of mass media epitomizes the representation of First Amendment in modern day society as a foundation to their campaign. Mass media is a diversified technology made to reach a large number of people by mass communication. Such technology is used to convey information electronically through a number of devices, for instance television, radio, recorded music and film. As well, Social media attribute to web-based technologies that provide platform for individuals and community to share, exchange information, ideas, and pictures/videos in virtual communities like Facebook and Twitter. Politics has grown to be integrated with mass media since the development of one of the first successful newspapers ever, (Boston Newsletter) which was created over a century ago by John Campbell in the year 1704 (Baran). This was the beginning of an inevitable change in global communication. Since then, other media friendly devices have cemented their spot in the industry such as the television, the radio, cell phones and social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Youtube). It is with these tools, protected by the First Amendment that people peek into what is going on in the world around us, from business to warfare, from sports to political events. One of the most renowned political events in history happened to be televised. â€Å"The great debate of 1960† between John F. Kennedy vs. Nixon on September 26th (Matthews). It was in this classic debate that both the world and all political figures had realized the importance of telegenics. Americans nationwide had a front row seat to the tremendous transformation of both society and politics and its cohesive relationship through television broadcasting (Baran). â€Å"Richard Nixon did not understand the power of television† (Matthews). Nine out of ten American families had a TV set in their homes by 1960 (Matthews). His misunderstanding led to his lack of personal preparation. It was documented that Kennedy rented out the top two floors of Chicago’s Ambassador East Hotel and studied homemade note cards filled with probable questions put together by his staff (Matthews). On the contrary, Nixon who is well known for his debating skills chose to sit and wait unti l the day of the debate. Moments before the debate, one of Nixon’s trustees, Henry Cabot, warned him to â€Å"avoid being his own Herblock caricature, the swarthy bully of Alger Hiss and Helen Douglas. Erase the assassins image! (Matthews).† Sources say that this was the final blow to Nixon’s defeat. As millions of Americans watched from the comfort of their home, his persona was shot down, what made Nixon the great debater, was now watered down into a spitting image of Kennedy’s gentlemen-like behavior. According to sources, Nixon’s angry focus is what might have been the missing ingredient in order for him to win over Kennedy and his TV friendly tactics (Matthew). Minor things like Nixon’s notorious 5 o’clock shadow might have been overlooked by the public even though it gave him a distinctively negative look as opposed to Kennedy’s clean cut nonchalant mien (Matthews). This debate was seemingly equal in verbal content but th e favoring persona belonged to Kennedy because of his telegenic preparation. It is not only about how one looks on television, it is also about what is said, how one says it and how everything is presented before the public. Hillary Clinton, unlike Nixon, is not ignorant to the importance of appearance positioning before the public through mass media. She uses television mass media and print media, such as the New York Times, to her advantage. Focusing even more on appearing confident and qualified for the presidential position. Hillary Clinton announced her official presidential candidacy on Sunday April 12th, 2015. John Podesta, a long time ally to Clinton also sent an official email to her supporters, then she launched a YouTube video to promote her campaign ad to the public (National Public Radio). This is the major relevancy of mass media and its recipients. The evolution of media has brought forth the bridge between the people and politics. Hillary Clinton’s campaign sets her strategy to further progress her public image and to improve her perception in the eyes of the public through social media among other public mediums. Clinton’s presence in the media, however does not begin during her presidential, and even her secretarial position in Congress. Born in Chicago, Illinois on October 26 of 1947, Hilary Clinton is the daughter of Hugh Ellsworth Rodham and Dorothy Emma Howell Rodham (National First Ladies’ Library). Her parent’s firm emphasis on the importance of status and prestige, but most importantly, appeal and charisma before the public complemented her collegiate excellence at her various universities, particularly leading her to graduate as Senior Class President from Yale Law School and was an active democratic supporter (National First Ladies’ Library). She found a breath of inspiration in her early years to work in public service because of a speech delivered by reverend Martin Luther King (National First Ladies’ Library), a perfect representation of the First Amendment. In 1974 after the Nixon Presidential term was over she became a staff member of the Univ ersity of Arkansas Law School where she met her future husband Bill Clinton (National First Ladies’ Library). She was later married to the 42nd president of the United States, Bill Clinton and became the 67th U.S Secretary of State between 2009 and 2013 (BIO). Although Hillary has had a colorful past in her career and in the public eye, she endured a taste of media publicity that most people would have rather left hidden. In 1998 the spur in the news about the Monica Lewinsky Scandal involving then president Bill Clinton and his affair with the 21 year old at the time was certainly not advantageous to her position in the public sphere. The media was engrossed and in and particularly at fault for the escalation of the events that had taken place. In addition to political media, it correlates with the First Amendment. â€Å"Protection of civil liberties and civil rights is perhaps the most fundamental political value in American society†(American Government). The ability to speak freely under minimal legal boundaries is a right known as Freedom of speech. This is one of the most protected liberties since it gives leeway for individuals to communicate their ideas. These ideas can be delivered through the various platforms described in earlier content. Prior to the construction of this amendment there was a limit to freedom of speech which suppressed people from becoming informed and spreading their ideas and involving their opinions in politics. â€Å"It was until the 18th century that freedom of speech was recognized in America as a shield against despotic government† (Germani). This was a step towards the right direction and a perfect example of freedom to petition. This includes the United States â€Å"ethics reform† bill which was intended to enable â€Å"grassroots lobbying†. This generally means a movement to enable members of the general public to communicate on matters dealing with the government or inspire and influence the other members of the general public to do the same. Mass media is playing a great role to bring about fulfillment of freedom of petition as a First Amendment. It achieves this by enabling citizens to focus government attention on unresolved issues in society; provide information through appropriate media channels about common policies, expose corruption, misconduct, incompetence and popular frustrations without harming the public order (Newton). This was the era mass media had established itself and it is evident when colonial newspaper publisher, John Peter Zenger, used his journalism to speak against the oppressive New York governor William Cosby (Germani). The First Amendment and freedom of speech has become imperative not only to the political world today but also to non-profit or third sector organizations because they allow people to prepare, speak freely and operate within wide limits. Hillary Clinton uses media to express her freedom of speech and appeal to many people especially the youth. The media helps her display her agenda to the public. A video released on Youtube Sunday 12, 2015, reveals Clinton’s plans to bring about new improvements in America involving the middle class portraying a positive image to her viewers. The Youtube video featured a black couple expecting a child, a young American-Asian woman and two men claiming to be getting married. This media platform in relation to freedom of speech helped her to bring about her main agenda. These individual rights come together to express, pursue, and defend our ideas. Mass media plays a great role in bringing about freedom of assembly through social media, television and radio. If we take a closer look at the political world in America, we see just how influential the media can be in creating awareness and perception that lead to critical evaluations by the public for public figures such as Hillary Clinton. In continuation, this freedom applies to all not only public figures, in which it could be manipulated into the reputable comedic parodies created by John Stewart and The Daily Show and their ability to portray Kate McKinnon as Hillary Clinton without punishable action or consequence, for example, or Tina Fey as Sarah Palin. These are the same rights that enable an individual to make complaints or have the sovereignty to deliver such a message without fear of reprisals. In Hillary Clinton’s recent presidential campaign, she addressed all group of people regardless of their religion. Some societies find it difficult to appeal to voters across different religious lines but this is completely different in America where it includes all people in political process, whether they are members of large. Powerful religious groups, religious minority or subscribe to no religion. Therefore through media, voters are encouraged to make their decisions based on their personal assessment, integrity and ability of an individual to lead people in an appropriate manner across the nation without bias based on religion. The candidate for election plays a great role in setting a great tone and example to be a leader of America through non biased religious campaign. History displays a restriction of freedom of assembly that limited people to be able to pursue and influence ranging groups of people; but with constant pursuit of the constitution and liberties covering mass media, there has been a significant change allowing individuals to gather and associate with any group of interest. Additionally, according to the records of colonial assemblies, there were no freedoms of petition until the period when mass media was reformed to address the issue. In the past, petitioning was in form of public dialogue but with the development of the constitution and media; the First Amendment has been adopted to enhance public views. In her current political campaign, Hillary Clinton addressed the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people around the world. She had also addressed the same issue in her â€Å"Free and equal in dignity and rights† speech during the international human rights day at the United Nation’s premises in Geneva on December 6th, 2011. Therefore she will be running the presidency as a pro-LGBT rights candidate. In this attempt to be the face of this new, up and coming era in gay rights, the public will provide analytical feedback through todays modern technology like never seen before (Chahal). The inevitable accumulation of analytical data serves as a representation of how far media has taken us in politics and how social media has fortified Hillary Clinton’s popularity in her current presidential campaign. In less than 24 hours after launching her Facebook page, on Sunday, 12 2015, she was able to accumulate more than 600,000 page views and 2 million video views. This is one of her campaign strategies used since she had earlier mentioned on the importance of social media and data in the 2016 general elections. According to observations made over time, social media and its massive interconnected sources, also known as â€Å"big data†, influence election decisions. For instance, â€Å"social data drove the 2008 general election and big data drove 2012 general election† (Chahal). Therefore, the â€Å"marriage† of the two data is expected to be the drive of 2016 general election (Chahal). To conclude, mass media plays a very important role in the election process, since most candidates who embrace technology and mass media, especially in a presidential campaign, normally have high chances of winning the election. There is a great change in the society with the innovative advancement of mass media to give rise to social Medias like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube which provide great platform for freedom of speech and assembly. Actually, politicians running for any kind of election no matter locally, statewide or nationally should plan their campaign properly by setting appropriate media devices to disseminate information and reach all people across different social classes and religion. As well, media plays an essential role in communication with voters; therefore, the media should represent standards by which people can evaluate political candidates. Finally, the First Amendment plays a great role in enhancing the freedom of press and media in the process of distributio n of information. It has opened a way for people to understand how the political world works hence election of sound and competent leaders. Whether Hillary Clinton successfully wins her presidential campaign relies heavily on her preparation before the public eye – media being the sensory vehicle used to connect with her it’s the closest thing one has to shaking hands. Works Cited American Government. Liberty and civil rights. 1 June 2014.  ushistory.  16 April 2015>. Baker, Gerard. The Clinton Affair: Gerard Baker Explains Why the Allegations over Monica Lewinsky Present Such a Threat to the US Presidency:: [London Edition].  Http:// 17 Jan. 1998. Web. 23 Apr. 2015.>. Baran, Stanley J.  Introduction to Mass Communication: Media Literacy and Culture.  New York, NY: McGraw Hill, 2014. Print. Chahal, Gurbaksh. Election 2016: How Big Data Social Data Will Determine the Next President.  Election 2016: How Big Data Social Data Will Determine the Next President. 26 June 2013. Web. 23 Apr. 2015.>. First Lady Biography: Hillary Clinton.  Hillary Clinton Biography. The National First Ladies Library. Web. 23 Apr. 2015.>. Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to Deliver Keynote Address at BIO International Convention.  Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to Deliver Keynote Address at BIO International Convention. 14 May 2014. Web. 23 Apr. 2015.>. Germani, Steve. Learning to Give, Philanthropy Education Resources That Teach Giving and Civic Engagement.  Learning to Give. Web. 22 Apr. 2015.>. Hillary Clinton To Announce Presidential Bid On Sunday.  NPR. NPR, 10 Apr. 2015. Web. 22 Apr. 2015.>. Internet Society Global Internet Report. 1 Jan. 2014. Web. 23 Apr. 2015.>. Kluwer, Wolters. The First Amendment.  The First Amendment. Fourth ed. NY: Wolters Kluwer Law and Business in New York, 2012. 799. Print. Matthews, Christopher. GREAT DEBATE NIXON AND KENNEDY STAGED THE FIRST TV PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN DEBATE IN 1960 AND CHANGED POLITICS FOREVER.  San Francisco Examiner April  28 1996.  ProQuest.  Web. 21 Apr. 2015 . Newton, Adam. FREEDOM OF PETITION,PETITION RESEARCH. 10 October 2002.  firstamendmentcenter.  17 April 2015>. Thomas, Ken. Hillary Clinton Announces Her Second Run for the White House.  PBS. PBS, 12 Apr. 2015. Web. 22 Apr. 2015.>.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Community Service Essay -- Humanitarian Organizations Essays

Community Service People complain everyday about the problems in this world. One of my complaints is about people who complain! I have a high respect for those who take actions to try to solve these problems. One major group which has to solve problems this is internationally recognized is Rotary International. Another group with similar goals is The Ruritan Foundation. Both of these groups have a website used by people all over the world to communicate information about their organization and how people can get involved. Ruritan focuses on the loval community and serving on a much smaller scale than Rotary. For Rotary, an overall emphasis is made on international service needs and diversity among people, as well as advancing global awareness about issues. There are more ignorant people out there than you may think. According to the main website,, "Rotary International is an organization of business and professional leaders united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ehtical standards in all vocations, and help huild good will and peace in the world." Rotarians devote their lives so much to humanity that its motto is "Service before Self,"by service and helping others and ultimately, in a utopian world, accomplishing peace, in daily personal lives as well as while working on Rotary-specific projects (About Rotary). You may be asking what types of concerns this association cares about. According to the "About Rotary" section of the website, they address many of today's most critical issues, such as children at risk, poverty and hunger, the environment, illiteracu, and violence, to name a few. Getting involved in a particular area of concern would not be a s... ...s website in that it contains a list of links on the left side to investigate differnt aspects of the organization. The webpage is not as formal as that of Rotary International, but still is not necessary that it is. The differences between Ruritan Foundation and Rotary International actually complement each other. while Ruritan focuses on the local community and serving its needs, Rotary has world-wide perspective on similar issues. Information for prospective members is also a crucial objective of these websites since they are target readers. People who are too stagnate to follow through with their altruistic desires can at least donate money to the people who take action on their calling to kindness. The Rotary and Ruritan organizations relate to almost all people in this world, whether a member, donating, or receiving care; everyone can benefit.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Okonkwo :: essays research papers

Okonkwo My name is Okonkwo a clan leader in Umuofia. I had a tough childhood due to my father Unoka, which has driven me to succeed. Due to my hardwork in war i earned a high position in my clan, and I'm still able to support my three wives and their children. My character in this novel is superior, I get angry at times and I'm not afraid of violence, but yet i have unmanly emotions for Ikemefuna and Ezinma, and i will do anything to not end up like my father Unoka. Unoka and i don't get along with each other. Unoka is lazy and could care less about wut I want in life. I have been ashamed of my father since I was a little boy, because of what my clan thinks is cowardness. My emotions for Ikemufuna and Ezinma which are unmanly conflict with my manly emotions as a superior leader. My oldest son Nwoye i believe is very weak and lazy. I beat Nwoye on a daily basis hopin it will turn him into a man. Nwoye begins to develop into being more masculine influenced by Ikemefuna which pleases me. I believe Nwoye has the same weakness that my father Unoka possessed. My problem is that I am afraid of looking like my weak father Unoka. Due to his behavior it forces me to act like a fool and bring a whole lot of trouble upom myself and the rest of the poeple in my family. I was not able to change when I went to go live with the Umuofians and could not adapt to their living style. So i realized that i have become a bad person and not able change with society. I beleive I okonkwo will have to change due to the changing in society and the diverse cultures there are. Not everyone can go about the same rules and

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Polykleitos’ Bearer and Laocoon and His Sons Essay -- Essays Papers

Polykleitos’ Bearer and Laocoon and His Sons Polykleitos’ is a Roman statue. It is made out of marble and it is 6 feet 6 inches tall. The statue is of a male who looks to be athletic someone who works out. The statue is standing in a contrapuntal position; it has its left leg slightly bent witch causes his foot not to be flat on the platform under him. That position helps the statue stay balance. It is not rigid. The statue has no facial expression. It is serious. It eyes are deep and expressionless. The statue’s head is facing to the left. His right arm is bent half way and his hands are balled up into a fist his hips are leaning towards the left side to help give him balance. His left arm is straight down by his side. It appears that the Spear Bearer is going to get ready to start walking at any moment. Looking at the statue is like looking at a black and white photograph it has no color. Both Laocoon and His Sons and Polykleitos are Roman sculptures and both are made of the same material. The sculpture is 8 feet tall. Laocoon's and His Sons have more color. This sculpture has a golden color to it. Both of these sculptures are depicting the human body. Both sculptures are depicting the male body as muscular and athletic looking. Both of these were done in the high classical period witch lasted from 400 – 450 B.C.E. With both of these sculptures the surface appears to be smooth excluding the muscles that have curves. The contrast in the Laocoon's and his Sons is light. You do see the shadows of Laocoon's and his sons and those who are trying to kill them. With Polykleitos you see Shadow of his facial features and the shadow of his legs on the platform he has under. Polykleitos has dullness to it and Laocoon has a more lively color. Where as the posture of Polykleitos seams somewhat strange as if he was caught in mid motion Laocoon's position is more a ction like. He is flexing moving around to get a way from his enemies. Both of these sculptures are copies. Menkaure and His Wife and Kosho’s Kuya Preaching This statue is of both male and female. The statue is made out of marble. The statue is 54 Â ½ tall. They are both standing on a platform. The king’s left leg is extended forward. His arms are straight on either side of him. His fists are clenched and it appears as if he is holding and objects in them. He appe... ... The statue was thought be Venus or a Goddess used as symbol for fertility. The statue is a female it has very exaggerated features. Every part of the sculptures body is disproportionate and big. You cannot really see any facial features on this woman. Her connects right into her chest area. She has no neck. Her stomach is incredibly huge and her belly button looks as if it had been stretch. Her legs are fat and pudgy. This is a very unnatural sculpture. The only part that resembles the human body is the chest area. She has no arms. Unlike Head of a King from Ife this sculpture does not in anyway shape or form resemble any part of the human body. The head of a king has human like characteristics, which means more distinct features that are identifiable right away to the human eye. The color and size of Head of a king are more lively and proportionate. The Head of a king is younger and the material used is smothering as well. Each of this sculptures and paintings have there own unique style. This is what makes them so interesting to observe. Their diverse backgrounds say a lot about the cultures and artists who created these unique irreplaceable creations of art.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Causes And Effects Of Climate Change Environmental Sciences Essay

The Earth ‘s ambiance contains some gases known as nursery gases, which occur of course: H2O vapour, C dioxide, methane ( CH4 ) , azotic oxide ( NO ) , and ozone ( O3 ) . The beds of these gases of course present in the atmosphere Acts of the Apostless as the roof of a nursery and trap heat near to the Earth ‘s surface. As a consequence, it maintains the average temperature of the Earth ‘s surface at around 16AÂ °C, which is important to guaranting climatic conditions that can back up life of animate beings and workss on Earth ( CRCD, 2009 ) . Harmonizing to IPCC ( 2007 ) , since the industrial revolution, human activities have caused significant additions in concentrations of nursery gases in the ambiance. The chief GHGs and their emanation beginnings are: Those above mentioned are the chief factors that much contributed to do the clime alteration has been happening of all time since. In 1990, IPCC, which consists of about 2,500 international scientists, confirmed that human activities have contributed to climate alteration. It besides concluded that if current nursery gas emanation tendencies continue, the mean planetary temperature will increase by 3AÂ °C before the terminal of the twenty-first century ( IPCC, 2007 ) . Within this respect, clime alteration is holding serious impacts on agricultural production, H2O resources, human wellness, coastal countries, forest and ecosystems. Increasing inundations, drouths, windstorms and other clime alteration related catastrophes, both in frequence and strength, have caused tremendous amendss to many states throughout the universe. The followers are some facts about clime alteration ( Anup, 2004 ) : The universe is heating up fast. Temperatures are lifting more rapidly than they have done for 10,000 old ages. The 1990s were the warmest decennary on record, and 1998 was the hottest twelvemonth. The Earth ‘s mean surface temperature has warmed between 0.3 and 0.6 grades Celsius in the last 100 old ages. It may lift by two grades in the following 100 old ages, if we go on bring forthing nursery gases at the present rate Sea degrees have risen by between 10-25 centimeters in the last 100 old ages, as polar ice caps have melted. They are projected to lift another 50 centimeters by 2100 There have been unpredictable and utmost conditions forms freak weather catastrophes such as hurricanes, storms, and inundations. Normally, clime alteration consists of three cardinal effects: alterations in regional rainfall forms, sea degree rise, and increased mean temperature. Those impacts are summarized one time at a clip as the followers.The Impacts of Climate ChangesIn this paper, the impacts of clime alteration are divided into two parts. The first portion is traveling to capture the impacts of clime alteration in general while the latter focal points on the impacts of that in Cambodia as the instance survey and besides as one of the intent of this paper. Global Impacts of Climate Change The impacts of clime alteration is recognized is no boundary issues. Actually, both developed and developing states suffer from them. However, developing states will bear the brunt of clime alteration impacts. This is because poorness makes people more vulnerable to climate alteration impacts. The hapless do non hold equal capacity and resources to cover with and to accommodate to climate alteration. For case, lifting sea degrees will endanger 1000000s of people populating in island provinces and in low-lying deltas in states like Bangladesh, Egypt and China. ( ADB, 2009 ) . Global heating will impact H2O supplies and cut down nutrient production in the Torrid Zones and semitropicss, where most underdeveloped states are, seting 1000000s of people at hazard of hungriness in the hereafter.Water ResourcesBased on Chu, Kittipong, Guillaunme, & A ; Vithet ( 2010 ) , climate alteration will take to alterations in the hydrological rhythm. Precipitation will increase in some countries and di minution in others. This will alter inundation and drought frequence and strength. Changes in seasonal forms may impact the regional distribution of both land and surface H2O supplies. Water quality may besides react to alterations in the sum and timing of precipitation. Changes in H2O temperatures could impact the endurance, diverseness and productiveness of fresh H2O ecosystems.Agricultural ProductionHigher temperature and alterations in rainfall forms will hold impacts on harvest outputs and productiveness. Outputs will likely diminish due to inordinate irrigation demand, increased rainfall, which will do dirt eroding and dirt leaching, and harvest amendss caused by increasing utmost clime events. Sea degree rise will besides do losingss in cropland in low-lying coastal countries ( Anup, 2004 ) .Human HealthThe study from Odingo ( 2009 ) shows that the direct impacts of clime alteration on wellness include an addition in heat emphasis and in cardiovascular, respiratory, allergic and air borne diseases. Increase in frequence and/or strength of utmost conditions events could ensue in decease, hurts, psychological upsets, and harm to public wellness substructures. The hapless will be more vulnerable to the wellness impacts than the rich. However, richer states will besides be progressively vulnerable as their populations age. For case, tropical diseases such as malaria and dandy fever febrility are besides likely to increase as the home grounds for mosquitoes and other vectors ( insects ) expand when the temperature rises. Food- and water-related diseases will besides increase due to warmer temperatures, reduced H2O supplies and proliferating micro-organisms.Coastal AreasObservations show that the planetary mean sea degree has risen by 10 to 25 centimeter over the last century, which is chiefly related to an addition of 0.3-0.6 o C in the planetary mean air temperature since 1860. If the current tendency in planetary heating continues, so, sea degree is predic ted to lift another 15 to 95 centimeter by the twelvemonth 2100. This will happen due to the thermic enlargement of ocean H2O and an inflow of fresh water from runing glaciers and ice. As a consequence, the low-lying coastal zones and little islands are highly vulnerable to sea degree rise. It is projected that a 1 m low-lying rise would do estimated land losingss of 6 % in the Netherlands, 17.5 % in Bangladesh and over 50 % for some little island provinces ( CRCD, 2009 ) .Forest and EcosystemsForests play an of import function in the clime system. They are a major reservoir of C. They besides straight affect local, regional, and Continental clime by act uponing land temperature, evapo-transpiration, heat coefficient of reflection, cloud formation, and precipitation. The composing and geographic distribution of ecosystems will alter as single species respond to new clime conditions. At the same clip, home grounds will be degraded and fragmented by the combination of clime alteration , deforestation, and other environmental force per unit areas. The extinction of some works and animate being species that are unable to get by with clime alteration impacts would probably happen ( Odingo, 2009 ) .

Monday, September 16, 2019

AIG Current Issues Pertaining to Business Law

AIG (American International Group Inc) has most recently been a common feature on American as well as international headlines following its possibility of going into liquidation as a result of financial difficulties. The federal government bailout extended to the company to help it in reviving its activities has also been a topic of discussion.Following all these, issues related to business law have been a common occurrence as AIG fights legal battles and accusations from enraged customers demanding their investment monies. AIG has as a result lost clients, employees and business in general. This paper focuses on these and other current events pertaining to business law at AIG.AnalysisAIG was recently faced with an economic downturn as a result of the current economic crisis. AIG is said to have made losses worth $62 billion in the fourth quarter of 2008 (Sorkin, 11-14). As a result, it has not been able to pay its credit dues on time.Creditors are constantly knocking on AIG's doors to obtain their money as they fear that the company could fail to pay them under the current financial difficulties it is experiencing. AIG has resulted in selling its assets in order to meet its obligations to creditors and beginning 2008 it obtained bailout from the government.Following the government bailout, AIG is no longer a wholly private company. The majority shares of AIG are now in the hands of the government hence it expects to receive more government control.AIG traded 79.9 percent of its shares for the federal government bailout. The government now possesses the rights to suspend dividends to the previously common and preferred stock.This is an indication that the company has ceased from being a fully private company to a nationalized one. It therefore owes the citizens who are represented by the government to operate profitably as well as repay the loan advanced by the government from the tax payer's money.As a result of the government bailout, AIG has to adjust itself to the government's requirements and laws that have been set for companies obtaining bailout.For example, The House of Representatives passed a requirement that all companies receiving federal government bailout exceeding $5 should pay 90 percent on bonuses given by companies. The companies must also operate with positive net value so that they can be able to pay up the loans advanced. If this is not so, the government will force companies that cannot pay up into liquidation Mich, 23-25).AIG has been under scrutiny following the handsome benefits that were issued to its more than 400 employees in the financial products division ranging between $1 million and 6.4 million. This follows the fact that AIG received $170 billion as federal government bailout which has necessitated investigations on how AIG was spending the taxpayer's money.(Turkish Weekly, 22-29). The government owns 79.9 percent of AIG now and as a result the public is the major shareholder of the company and this is wh at has created a major uproar in the public about AIG's activities. There are claims that the company is not taking its responsibilities towards shareholders in a serious manner.Edward Liddy, AIG's chief executive officer told the congress in March, 2009 that the company had asked the employees to return half of the bonuses received (Sorkin, 19-23). Further, he argued that the reason for the hefty bonuses was an attempt to retain employees in the financial products division.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Maaza Story Essay

1. Maaza story: the fruits of successful global brand The name Maaza denotes taste, enjoyment, represents diamond, in different languages and the brand Maaza has turned out to be a star performer across the region and beyond. The main ingredients for Maaza bottling are Natural Fruit Pulp, treated water, natural identical flavour and Vitamin C along with other food additives to balance the sweetness, taste & consistency of the beverage. 2. Maaza values: In our organization we create a healthy work environment enabling us to bring out the best from our employees and promote team work through mutual co-operation, pooling of resources, sharing of ideas and free expression of opinion. Our employees are totally committed to their goals and have independence and integrity in their evaluation and decision-making. 3. Maaza assurance: Maaza International is committed to provide the customers and franchisees competitive techno commercial services in its various field of expertise to achieve customer satisfaction at all levels of operation. We are committed to quality, integrity and excellence in whatever we do to meet our mission and achieve our Vision. We continuously improve the process through which we deliver our services and provide our staff with the training and tools necessary to contribute to our quality efforts. We strive to always review and evaluate our performance to guarantee the highest level of customer service. Our success is measured by the customer satisfaction and feedback. 4. Maaza Flavours: Even though the most popular drink is Maaza Mango, the other product range includes the Maaza Guava, Maaza Pineapple, Maaza Apple, Maaza Mix Fruit and Maaza Orange, the fruit pulp and concentrate to manufacture these being sourced from reputed manufactures from India, Europe and the Far East. The latest addition to our product range includes Maaza Bits, a juice drink with real fruit pieces. 5.Maaza world: Maaza Mango is a fruit juice based drink which contains an ideal combination of the famous Alphonso and Totapuri varieties of Mango pulp. The drink is formulated taking into consideration the nutritional and health aspects with a unique taste unparalleled by any other brand currently in the market. 6.Maaza family Maaza started initially with returnable glass bottles, was leader in innovated packaging solution and the first who developed PET bottles in Middle East. The aim of the company was to set up a modern soft drink bottling plant. Maaza has made its mark with diverse range of exotic juices. The drinks are packed in glass, cans, PET bottles and paper packs. 7.Maaza Advantage: perfect ingredient for a MOCKTAIL Being a fruit based juice drink, Maaza can be enjoyed in more ways than just a refreshing beverage. †¢ Perfect ingredient for a mocktail †¢ Tropical Ice cubes with Maaza †¢ The perfect blend for a fruit salad 8.Maaza Reach Today, Maaza has become the world’s favourite mango beverage brand and has won the hearts of millions of consumers for its quality and great taste. Maaza International Company acquired the rights for the MAAZA Brand name of juices with an expansive territory that covers a large part of the globe such as all of Africa, Eastern Europe, Middle East and Far East among the others. 9.Grow with Maaza: With a Maaza Franchise, you can connect with both young and old consumer across the world. Here’s an exclusive invitation to join the international Maaza by establishing your own franchise. Maaza International Co. under separate franchise agreement is presently dealing with various bottlers in different countries, granting them the rights to manufacture and distribute the drinks under the brand name MAAZA. The concentrates for manufacturing the drinks are supplied by Maaza International Co. under the above agreement. Technical assistance and periodic quality inspection by the Technical Representatives of the company are conducted regularly at the bottler’s factory to ensure that high quality and consistency of the drinks are maintained.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Cosmetics and Revlon

Introduction of the Company Revlon Inc. is a leading cosmetics company offering cosmetic, skin care, fragrance, and personal-care products. Revlon was formed in 1932, and started out with selling only nail enamels. Over the course of the past 75 years, Revlon has become a leading brand in the cosmetic market, recognized both in the United States and worldwide. Revlon owns popular brands such as Revlon, Charle, Mitchum, and Almay. Revlon has recently been struggling with debt, posting losses for the past eight years. Mission Statement AnalysisRevlon’s vision is to glamour, excitement, and innovation through quality products at affordable prices. The key objective of Revlon is to offer high quality beauty products while keeping the costs down for the consumers. I believe Revlon has been holding true to that vision; however they could be following it too closely. Revlon’s recent losses and issues with debt could be attributed to their vision. While the answer to solve thei r issues is uncertain it is clear a new strategy is needed to help Revlon recover. External Analysis External| | | | Opportunities| Weight| Rating| Score| 1. Men are using cosmetics more| 0. 6| 1| 0. 06| 2. Weakening of the US dollar making foreign markets more appealing| 0. 15| 2| 0. 3| 3. Growing trend of using personal care products| 0. 1| 3| 0. 3| 4. The increase in the mini-baby boomers (young teens)| 0. 1| 2| 0. 2| 5. Baby boomer females entering retirement| 0. 12| 3| 0. 36| | | | | Threats| | | | 6. Concern for product safety growing| 0. 05| 2| 0. 1| 7. Concerns about environment and animal testing growing| 0. 07| 2| 0. 14| 8. Increased gas prices greatly reduce disposable income| 0. 15| 1| 0. 15| 9. Natural fashion trends| 0. 05| 2| 0. 1| 10. Intense competition| 0. 15| 2| 0. 3| 1| | 2. 01| 1. There is a growing trend of men using cosmetic products. Product lines marketed specifically for men will be necessary to profit in this market segment. Men will be reluctant to use pr oducts made for women, so separate product lines are necessary. 2. Weakening of the US dollar makes any US based product more appealing in the foreign markets. Not only will people with other currencies favor the currency advantage of buying Revlon, are huge emerging markets growing in Latin America, Asia, and India. 3. There has been an overall growth in the use of cosmetic and personal care products worldwide.As countries become more developed, more people are earning income to spend on these products. Especially in the United States, appearance is strongly valued and cosmetics play a large part. 4. As with the increasing trend in cosmetics, there has been a significant increase in the mini-baby boomer market. Young teens are using cosmetic, personal care products more, and more. This market of teenage women is huge, especially in the United States. 5. The original group of baby boomers are beginning to reach the age of retirement. Most have reached their peak earning potential an d now have large amounts of disposable income.With old age comes the need for cosmetics to help people maintain a youthful look. Retired women of the baby boom era are a significant market segment for Revlon. 6. There have been growing concerns for product safety. Most cosmetics are applied to the face, and some if not properly tested can have adverse side effects. The population is becoming more health aware, and is always looking at the health effects of everyday products. Most companies now advertise the use of natural ingredients to market to health conscious consumers. 7. There is also growing concern for the environment and the use of animal testing.Animal testing had always been an issue for the cosmetic industry; however it is becoming more prominent in recent times. Even more is the growing concern for the environment. Consumers are looking for products that are not harmful to the environment and are eco friendly from the manufacturing process all the way to packaging and d isposal. 8. Increase in gas prices has hurt many industries across the board. Gas is something that the majority of consumers have to buy, and they are forced to pay whatever price is asked. The more consumers have to spend on gas the less to have to spend on items that are not considered a necessity.Costly cosmetics are probably one of the first things to be forgotten when spending needs to be cut back. 9. There is a trend of using natural products from food to cosmetics. There is a trend of going for a completely natural look altogether, meaning no cosmetics whatsoever. Even natural cosmetics discourage the use of other similar or supplementary products that would normally be used. 10. Competition is fierce in this industry. Marketing, price wars, and product differentiation among the cosmetic industry make it an extremely competitive industry. Each company has numerous brands that are recognized globally.Breaking consumer brand loyalty can be a hard task to accomplish. Revlon has a score of 2. 01 which is average. Revlon has been lacking in taking advantages of the different opportunities that it has. Failure to seize these opportunities will allow competitors to move in and gain the upper hand. Revlon should definitely take advantage of the growing foreign markets, especially in light of the weakening US dollar. In terms of threats, Revlon has been passive in responding to are preparing against them. Revlon has to make sure it markets its products in a way that is fitting for the changing view of the consumer.Product quality is becoming less important, as image is becoming everything. Completive Analysis Competitive Analysis: Porter’s Five-Forces Model | | Potential development of substitute products| | | | | I| | | Bargaining Power of Suppliers| -| Rivalry Among Competing Firms| -| Bargaining power of consumers| | | I| | | | | Potential Entry of new competitors| | | Rivalry Among Competing Firms Rivalry is high in the cosmetic industry. A few huge cosmetic makers dominate the market. They all have to deal with the decline in disposable income due to rising gas prices.Companies fight with marketing and cost reduction. Consumers have many ways to purchase these products. While a large amount of cosmetics are sold in drugstores and large retailers such as Wal-Mart there is still a significant sales done door to door. Competition is getting so strong that there has been a move to increase door-to-door sales to help steal market share from competitors. Potential of New Entrants The cosmetic industry is a 200 billion dollar industry. Competition is already high, and the industry as a whole has been faced with difficulties in these economic times.So the threat of new entrants is unlikely. However, new entrants to the industry could be successful if they can make a quality product at affordable prices. While there is a significant amount of brand loyalty, a consumer would easily switch to a more affordable quality product. Potential Development of Substitute Products As mentioned before rivalry is intense in this market. While brand loyalty does exist, price is becoming a very important factor. As a whole the market for cosmetics is very dynamic. While price is important, quality is just as significant if not more significant for some consumers. Companies re faced with the difficult task of balancing the two. Consumers will likely switch to a cheaper product with quality even though they might have loyalties to a particular brand. Bargaining Power of Suppliers Bargaining power of suppliers is low to moderate. Rising commodity prices affect all industries. The raw materials used in cosmetics are used mainly by cosmetic and personal care companies. The cosmetic companies do have some leverage, and these companies are able to keep costs down to offer lower prices to consumers. Bargaining Power of Consumers The bargaining power of consumers in this market is relatively high.Products are easily substitutable and pri ce is probably the most significant factor. Customers have all of the buying power, and often lean towards the cheaper products in these hard economic times. Since consumer bargaining power is high, companies in the cosmetic industry are forced to drive their prices down to stay competitive. While there are segments of the market that will pay a premium for a quality product, are majority of consumers will chose with their wallets. Generic Forces | Approach| Focus| Cost Minimization| Product Differentiation| Broad| X| | Narrow| | |Revlon offers various product lines focused at different segments of the market. The company was founded on the idea of providing affordable cosmetics. While many cosmetic companies attempt to differentiate their products from competitors it is almost an impossible task. Cosmetic products are easily substitutable so cost becomes the more significant factor. A broad focus cost minimization strategy is the one I would recommend for Revlon, there are some pot ential risks. As for any company, introducing new product lines can be a hit or miss. Revlon had recently introduced a product line called Vital Radiance that was aimed towards older women.The new line was not successful and was eventually discontinued, but not without taking losses. I believe Revlon should continue to use the same approach, they just need to make sure enough research is done before introducing new products to minimize the chances of failure. Competitive Profile Matrix Revlon Estee Lauder Avon Critical Success Factors| weight| Rating| Score| Rating| Score| Rating| Score| 1. Financial Position| 0. 3| 2| 0. 6| 3| 0. 9| 4| 1. 2| 2. Brand Recognition| 0. 1| 4| 0. 4| 3| 0. 3| 3| 0. 3| 3. Market Share| 0. 35| 3| 1. 05| 4| 1. 4| 4| 1. 4| 4. Global Expansion| 0. 15| 3| 0. 45| 3| 0. 5| 4| 0. 6| 5. Marketing| 0. 1| 4| 0. 4| 3| 0. 3| 3| 0. 3| Total| 1| | 2. 9| | 3. 35| | 3. 8| Out of the three companies, Revlon is in the worst position. While Revlon does excel in marketing, th e amount spent on advertising is piled on to the already massive amount of debt. The most important factors here in this situation are market share and financial position. In both areas, the competition is clearly ahead of Revlon. Another significant area is global expansion, and Avon is the leader in expansion. The global market is the key to success in the cosmetics industry and Avon's overall score proves that.If Revlon can fix its financial position, then they can begin to look at competing toe-toe with Avon. However, the longer they wait to straighten out the longer they will continue to fall behind. Internal Assessment Internal| | | | Strengths| Weight| Rating| Score| 1. Strong marketing efforts| 0. 15| 1| 0. 15| 2. Large distribution network| 0. 1| 3| 0. 3| 3. Produces Quality Product| 0. 05| 2| 0. 1| 4. Tailors product lines to different segments| 0. 05| 2| 0. 1| 5. Strong Brand Recognition| 0. 1| 2| 0. 2| | | | | Weaknesses| | | | 6. Limited Locations| 0. 15| 2| 0. 3| 7. In crease in long-term Debt| 0. 1| 1| 0. | 8. Weak overall financial position| 0. 15| 1| 0. 15| 9. Risk of Investing in a Project with No Return| 0. 1| 2| 0. 2| 10. Relatively high prices| 0. 05| 2| 0. 1| | 1| | 1. 7| 1. Marketing plays a large part in the cosmetic industry. Most companies compete on price. So ultimately the consumers’ choice is based on the perception of the product. Certain cosmetic lines are marketed towards different groups of people. The success of certain products is directly related to the effectiveness of the marketing campaigns. 2. The channels of distribution also play a large part in the success of any cosmetic company.Today most companies sell their products in a variety of different stores. Having their products available at many different locations helps to keep he competitiveness. Cosmetics are sold at drugstores, grocery stores, and large retailers such as Wal-Mart. Some companies even use door-to-door sales such as Avon. Revlon is beginning to u se that approach in certain regions such as China. 3. While price is the most important factor for most consumers, quality plays a large part with cosmetics. Furthermore actual quality is probably less important than perceived quality. 4.Ultimately people are willing to pay a premium for a higher quality product. In the case of cosmetics, quality is less about the product itself and more about the result to the consumer. 5. In order to make market campaigns successful the products themselves need to be designed differently for different market segments. For example, cosmetics aimed for the older population usually focuses on wrinkle education and skin firming ingredients, whereas cosmetics aimed for young women might offer a lot of color variety and other flashy designs. There clearly exists a different fashion trend among different age groups and different cultural groups.Having product lines tailored specifically for each group can help drive sales for each product line. 6. While Revlon does sell its products globally there are large markets outside of the United States that are yet to be entered. Because of the weakening of the US dollar US products are more favorable to foreigners. This event, along with the recent growth and development of these foreign countries form a large untapped market for cosmetic companies. India, China, and South America are becoming huge unsaturated markets waiting to be taken over. The first company to enter and successfully market to regions will become profitable.If Revlon continues to stay in its concentrated markets it will continue to fall behind the pack. 7. One of Revlon’s largest pitfalls is its failure to reduce its long-term debt. This is due largely to a few failed product lines that Revlon has launched in recent years, with Vital Radiance being the latest disaster. A lot of resources are required to launch new products. Not only are there the costs of production, but also the research and developments before the products are actually made. If the new lines do not yield the expected results the company is left in a net loss.In Revlon’s case, they never get a chance to pay off their debt, and are constantly playing catch-up. 8. Having a large amount of long-term debt is one thing, but for Revlon their overall financial performance is in need of repair. If Revlon able to generate enough income to balance out of their debt they would be much better off. Unfortunately, that is not the case. The amount of income and addition of new assets is not enough to keep out with the increase in liabilities. Because of this their overall financial position is very weak. Something needs to be done in order to set the company on the right path. . The main risk involved in launching new product lines is the potential for complete failure. So much research, time, and capital are spent to launch new product line. If the product does not sell as expected then none of those costs are recovered. Even wit h proper research of both the product and market, there is always a risk of failure. Already having such a large amount of debt, Revlon needs to take its time and do all the necessary research involved to increase its chance of launching a successful new line. 10. Price is the most important factor involved in the consumers’ purchasing decision.Cosmetic companies must find a balance between price and quality. Cost reduction is key to the success of any company in the cosmetic industry. If consumers decide to ignore quality, then price becomes the deciding factor. Though some cosmetic companies might sacrifice quality to keep prices low, they tend sell better when consumers have less money to spend. Revlon obtained a score of 1. 7 which is below average. Revlon’s biggest struggles are faced internally. The inability to pay off their long-term debt and their willingness to acquire new debt leave them in an extremely unstable financial position.Revlon needs to focus on it s marketing and product strategies. In these hard economic times Revlon should focus on price minimization. Consumers are more concerned about price these days with all of their purchases because money is tight. Revlon needs to focus on fixing its internal problems before they can begin to adjust to external factors. Financial Analysis Revlon’s main area of focus should be reducing its debt. Revlon posted net losses from 2004 to 2006. Sales had been leveling off during the same period. Net loss per share went from (. 47) to (. 2) from 2004 to 2006. Overall Revlon had been performing poorly, and failed new product launches helped contributed to the losses. By the end of 2006 Revlon’s long term debt amounted to 2. 3 billion dollars. Because of their ongoing issues with debt, Revlon has been undergoing debt restructuring. Moving forward Revlon must change its strategy to help increase sale, while minimizing the addition of new debt. In 2006 Revlon had a current ratio or l iquidity ratio of 1. 29 which improved slightly from 1. 25 in 2005. However, Revlon’s long-term debt still outweighs their assets.Revlon needs to look at its current product lines, and consider liquidating lines that are not generating expected returns. They are better off canceling unsuccessful product lines, then continuing to take on losses. While it may cost more in the short term, reevaluating existing product lines, and doing the research and development to launch new product lines will be more profitable in the long run. SWOT Matrix | Strengths – S 1. Strong marketing efforts| 2. Large distribution network| 3. Produces Quality Product| 4. Tailors product lines to different segments| 5. Strong Brand Recognition| | | | | | | Weaknesses – W 6. Limited Locations| . Increase in long-term Debt| 8. Weak overall financial position| 9. Risk of Investing in a Project with No Return| 10. Relatively high prices| | Opportunities – O 1. Men are using cosmetics m ore| 2. Weakening of the US dollar making foreign markets more appealing| 3. Growing trend of using personal care products| 4. The increase in the mini-baby boomers (young teens)| 5. Baby boomer females entering retirement| | SO Strategies1. Create product lines for new markets. (O1,2,5+S1,S4)2. The company should expand in to global markets. (O2+S1,S5)3. Focus existing product lines to their targeted demographics. (O1,3,4,5+S4)| WO Strategies1.Open new locations worldwide. (O2,O3+W6,W9)2. Reduce costs. (O4+W10)3. Conduct research before starting new product line. (O1,3,4,5+ W7,W9)| Threats – T 6. Concern for product safety growing| 7. Concerns about environment and animal testing growing| 8. Increased gas prices greatly reduce disposable income| 9. Natural fashion trends| 10. Intense competition| | ST Strategies1. Expand into global markets. (T10+S1+S5) 2. Reduce costs. (T8+S3)| WT Strategies1. Open New Locations. 2. Carefully plan new projects to maximize their profitabilit y. 3. Research safer ways of product testing and formulate safer and environmentally friendly cosmetics. T6,7,9+W9)| Space Matrix ————————————————- Financial StrengthRatings Decrease in Debt1. 0 Increase in Assets 2. 0 Net Income Per Share1. 0 4. 0 ————————————————- Industry Strength Growth Potential2. 0 Profit Potential 2. 0 4. 0 ————————————————- Environmental Stability Competitive Pressure-3. 0 Going Green Trend-3. 0 Economy Dependent-4. 0 ————————————————- -10. 0 —————————†”——————- Competitive Advantage Market Share-5. Brand Loyalty -4. 0 -9. 0 Conclusion ES Average is -3. 33, IS Average is 4. 0 CA Average is -6. 0, FS Average is 1. 33 Directional Vector Coordinate:x-axis: -4. 5+(+2. 0) = -2. 5 y-axis:-3. 33+(+1. 33) = -2. 0 Insert Space matrix The SPACE Matrix shows that Revlon has a defensive profile. They are financially unstable, which is why the point falls in the negative quadrants. BCG Matrix High| Medium| Low| Medium| StarsRevlon Brand| ? ’sAntiperspirants/Deodorants| Low| Cash CowRevlon Beauty Tools| DogsVital Radiance Brand| Revlon’s star product is their Revlon brand.The cosmetic market is still showing considerable growth, and Revlon has a total market share of 13%. Globally the market for cosmetics is expected to grow with the help of the weakening U. S. dollar. Revlon Beauty tools are the cash cow for the company. The overall market share for that product line is almost 25% which makes Revlon a dominant player. Growth in that market is expected, but not nearly as much as the cosmetics segments. Market share of Antiperspirants and Deodorants has dropped within the past year. While growth in that segment is expected, Revlon maintains a small share of the market.However, with the right strategy that segment could become another star for Revlon. Lastly, Revlon’s Vital Radiance line dropped to less than 1% in market share in the most recent year. That segment showed negative growth along with minimal market share. It was a wise decision on Revlon’s part to discontinue that line as it was generating any net profits for the company. Strategy Recommendation Revlon should follow to strategies to help turn things around. The first recommendation I have is for Revlon to expand its business in foreign markets. Currently the US dollar is weak, which makes US products more favorable in foreign countries.There are huge emerging markets in India and China. As these countries become more developed women have more income to spend on cosmetic products. In these countries Revlon might have a better chance at success if they try more direct forms of marketing such as door-to-door sales. There are rumors that Revlon is considering that strategy for China. While I believe times have changed, and marketing has changed especially with the age of the internet, I believe direct marketing works well for cosmetics. The typical users of cosmetics are more likely to buy a product if they get to see it in person, or get to try it themselves.I think door-to-door sales would be successful and could be used in the United States and in other countries. I also believe free samples would be another good form of marketing. I’ve noticed that a lot off cosmetic products are sold on the home shopping network in the United States. I think consumers feel more comfortable buying a cosmetic product when they can see how it is used and what results they generat e. There are cultural differences between the United States and foreign countries. Revlon should create new product lines tailored to each culture.I believe they are better off making fewer product lines focused on broader groups of people, rather than making too many product lines. They need to test the waters of each region, and determine the most effective ways to gain market share. The second recommendation that I have for Revlon is an internal one. Revlon has serious issues with debt. Part of the reason they are in this situation is because of the launch of unsuccessful product lines such as their most recent Vital Radiance. It takes a lot of time and resources to launch a new product line or to acquire new manufacturing locations.Any new product launch poses a great risk for any company. Revlon is not in any financial position to be taking these risks. I believe they need to do two things. First Revlon needs to look at its existing product lines and reevaluate their effectiven ess. Lines that are not meeting sales expectations need to be modified or discontinued altogether. It is better for Revlon to accept its losses and start fresh. The second thing Revlon needs to do is to spend all the time and resources necessary to make a successful new product launch. This was obviously not what happened with the Vital Radiance brand.While it may cost more time and money initially, a successful product line will easily be able to recover those expenses. As they make the decision to launch new brands or re-launch existing brands, Revlon needs to make sure all of its advertising spending is put to good use. Revlon is already deep in debt, and they need to make sure than any additional expenses will generate concrete returns. Revlon needs to refocus some of their brands, and launching new ad campaigns can help them do so. Revlon needs to find out which of its products are successfully marketed, and follow those same strategies to market their less successful product l ines.Focus is necessary in getting Revlon back on track. Effective marketing can help to increase sales both in the United States and abroad. Pro Forma The US market accounts for over half of Revlon’s sales. There is great potential for Revlon to expand its global markets. Realistically their sales in the foreign markets should be more than half of their overall sales. Revlon’s international sales have increased over the past three years, but the growth could be far more rapid. With the reorganization of Revlon’s current brands they could possibly cut some advertising costs by not having to market every product line to the same extent.Refocusing their brands with successful marketing, they might experience a slight increase in sales. I can estimate maybe a 5% increase in sales, and hopefully expenses can remain the same. Whatever extra cash is earned should be used to begin to pay off their debt. However, if neither of the strategies help turn things round, Revl on might consider be bought out by another company. Epilogue Section Revlon had made little improvement since 2007. The company maintains a debt in excess of over 1. 3 billion dollars. Although the company stock price has increased from 13 dollar per share to around 16 dollars. Google Finance) In general Revlon is still in the same boat it was in four years ago. Over half of Revlon’s sales are still from the United States. There has been little progress made in foreign markets. However, things are starting to turn around for the company. Revlon has been facing declines in sales since 2007. Now, in the first quarter of 2011 they managed to increase sales. (WikiInvest) They are estimated to increase overall sales by 2% this year. These sales are attributed to an increase in spending of advertising. Apparently the marketing efforts are beginning to pay off.This additional spending has helped to strengthen some of the Revlon brands. While things are beginning to look positive, th ey are going to need a much greater increase in sales to help pay off the debt. If they continued to lose sales in today’s times I would say it would be smart to consider selling out to another company. The recent albeit small turn around might give Revlon one last chance pay off its debt and become a big player in the industry. Resources: http://www. wikinvest. com/stock/Revlon_(REV)/News/2566033/Revlon_Reports_First_Quarter_2011_Results http://www. google. com/finance? q=NYSE:REV